How to learn easy pencil sketch drawing

Pencil sketch drawing

Hey guys welcome back to my site cool drawing idea. Today I want to go through my favorite types of paper that I used for pencil sketch drawing. Because a lot of you asked me what papers do, I use for color pencil graphite all of that sort of stuff. So, let's get straight into it with the first type of paper that I use. This is probably the most common paper that I use for like loads of different things and that is the Strathmore Bristol smooth paper. This one this yellow one you've probably seen a lot of people use this. It's a very common type of paper is by Strathmore and like.

pencil sketch drawing

Pencil sketch for drawing

I said it's the Bristol smooth surface 300 series paper it's really good and it's quite cheap. So, I use the 9 by 12 inches one most often and I like to use this for graphite sketch drawings. I like to use it for my colored pencil portraits as well. Anything that I want to have a really smooth finish with. Because it is a smooth surface so it hasn't got a lot of tooth and texture to it. So, because it is quite smooth, I wouldn't recommend using this type of paper for something like charcoal. Where you really need it to stick onto like the tooth of the paper. For that I will recommend something else later on but like I said this is great for color pencil portraits.

Pencil sketch drawings

Anything really, it is a good all-round type of paper but I wouldn't use this for solvents. So, when I use color pencils and I use solvent to blend I don't use the smooth paper. Because it ends up just kind of sitting on the top. It doesn't blend very well but this is great. If you don't want to use solvent if you use the burnishing method or if you're just doing graphite studies it's good for portraits as well as animals as well and I like this one. Because it is quite cheap like I said it is the 300 series version which means that it isn't the most expensive one. I use the 300 series all of the time and I get great resource for this. If you're a beginner then I do recommend the cheaper alternative.

pencil sketch for drawing

Sketch drawing with pencil

The white one the 300 series is the yellow version. It's just a lot more expensive but if you think that the Bristol smooth is a bit too smooth for you. You want a bit more tooth to it than I do recommend the Bristol vellum. If you want to make sure that you have a bit more texture and tooth to the paper for your pencil drawings to stick to the next type of paper. I like to use is a toned paper. It is absolutely great for like managing the values. Because you've got the mid-tone value in it's really good. The ones that I like to use are by Strathmore. I do like Strathmore paper. The first one is the toned tan this is a very common type of paper. Especially for people that do a lot of cartoon drawing and stuff like that.

Pencil sketch drawing easy

You can do with this paper and so here is a little cartoon drawing that I did. You can see that it really stands out the highlights as well. I'm hoping it's a sign because it's got shine but you can see that it really stands out on this tone paper. Again, for a part of this it's got like 50 sheets in it and it is quite cheap it's not very expensive at all and again this is the 9 by 12 sketchbook.  If you do want something that is slightly thicker because 30-pound is quite thin in terms of paperweight then you can go for this one again. It's by Strathmore it is the mixed-media pad and its toned gray. You can get that tone tan one in gray as well. By the way and so this has 15 sheets in it it's 9 by 12 inches.

pencil sketch drawing

How to learn pencil sketch drawing

This is a hundred and eighty-four pound in weight rather than 80 so 80 184. There's a massive difference there and it's 300 GSM. If you like your paper weights in that sort of metric but this is really thick. You can see that is really nice and thick. So, if you want to do drawings that are more finished. Rather than just sketches but you want to use tone paper then I definitely recommend the mixed-media pad it's really good. I like using it and so the last type of paper that I'm going to be recommending to you guys. What I use when I do color pencils with solvents. So, when you're using solvent obviously it's a wet medium.

Pencil sketch drawing art

This is hot press which means it's quite smooth. It doesn't have much texture to it at all. Which is really good if you're using colored pencils? You can get the cold press which does have a bit more texture and tooth. If you like that sort of thing. Because this is watercolor paper what means is that it really is good. When you will use in solvent to actually like absorb it. It blends really nicely and it is really thick as well. It's a 140 pound which is 300 GSM. I said you don't have to use this one any watercolor paper will do. I definitely recommend investing in a paper that's quite thick. If you are using solvents another great one. I have used in the past is the Fabriano artistic.

Pencil sketch drawing nature

Oh! hot pressed watercolor paper there's another great option. Really if you're beginner then just get your hands on any type of watercolor paper. That will do just great for your color pencil and solvent works. Again, this watercolor paper is great for charcoal drawings. Because it does have a bit more tooth to it. The smooth paper and finally for my pastel drawings. I do like to use the past or matte paper again. This is a very common paper. I'm saying that a lot but I do use a lot of the common papers. A lot of other arts issues and so this is good. It has a pack of different colors in. So, you can try them out and see which color you like the best and this is extremely thick.

Source: Cool drawing idea

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