HOW TO DRAW - So Simple Even Your Kids Can Do It

How to draw

Hi everyone welcome to this book review today. I'm going to show you that how to draw this book sketch the non-artists got two inspiration Technic and drawing daily life. It's by Franz Belleville offense to the author Franz Bellevue band stone is an artist and her teacher. She has a website where she shares a drawing from daily life. It can be sketches from the living room or maybe sketches of the backs of her colleagues sketches of cars shoes cat. Basically anything whenever she finds time to draw. I like her style of pen and ink drawings and her art in general. So I actually heard about this book from her website. So I was quite excited when it finally came out.

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Now this book sketch is a 134 page paperback with rounded corners. The pages are designed to look like textured paper and her encouraging text and beautiful away drawing are printed on them. So the presentation is very nice now this book gives us a personal account of her artistic journey and a pick into her creative process. So she tells us how she got started, how she practiced, where she finds a subject and where she finds time to flow. Now this is a book where she shares about her drawing experience and also some tips. A bit of tannic actually this book is more on ideas rather than on techniques. So the inspiration really comes from reading about drawing through her personal experiences.

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She also talked about drunk supplies that she uses and basic techniques about using them. In Greece but both of this book is actually talking about pen and ink which is her medium of choice. As you can probably see she is very good at pencils as well. Many of these drawings can be seen on her blog as well you can check it out. There and if you actually follow her block this book is sort of like a behind-the-scenes guard book to what. She does basically it talked about things that I wish were written on her websites. But we're not so as I'm flipping through I do not see a lot of step-by-step instructions. Most of these are actually paragraphs of tips experiences while she's a drawing that particular drawing.

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She's also very good at drawing with the iPad. So she taught digitally as well I find inspiring that she can find time to grow even. When she's a busy mom and a French teacher. I always imagined that she teaches us. Because of all the choices that I see on her website. So she is very busy but yet she can find time to draw, so she shares some ways. You can was a fine time to draw for yourself. As someone who likes to draw I can relate to many of the issues that she talks about. These last few pages is an A to Z list of objects that you can draw overall. I find this book to be motivating and inspiring. The tone is encouraging so I can recommend this book to beginners.

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The important thing to take note of is, this is a book mostly of ideas and suggestions. It's a guy two different pending techniques and also how you can draw digitally and drawing flowers. But when it comes down to the actual skills and techniques. This book is not very detailed it doesn't have all those step-by-step exercises and instructions. Where you can follow along so for example if you want to learn how to draw this car the book would talk about the techniques. That are used to draw this car how what colors you use how the why is this particular style. But it doesn't actually teach you how to draw this car from the start to the end. So that is something to know before you get this book you want to check out all the reviews.

Source: Cool drawing idea

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