Easy drawing animals step by step in pencil

Drawing of animals easy

Hey everyone this is my site cool drawing idea welcome to this new animal drawing review. I have two new books here with me. This is not from the five minutes catching a series. I believe a few months ago I featured the first two books from this series which focuses on architecture. and people. So, these two new books they talked about landscapes, animals and pets. If you want to check out the reviews for the drawing animals you can visit. Now let's take a look at this book first landscapes. This is authored by the junior hind. I believe she is a teacher if I am not wrong, she is also a member of their urban Sketchers group.

drawing of animals easy

Drawing animals easy

I have sketched with her before when she came over to the symposium here in Singapore two years ago. So, the presentations now of this book is similar to the two earlier books drawing animals. Because well they are from the same series so what we have is. Basically, one page with tips and techniques and the other page with Illustrated examples. This examples that you see here. These are either from Virginia Hine herself or from other artists from all over the world. The tips are quite brief but they are very practical tips that you can follow that.  You can use some of them are ideas that you can explore some techniques. You can practice all the tips they are quite brief. So, they are very short and concise but very helpful and insightful.
drawing animals easy

Animals drawing easy

This book is a paperback with let's see 128 pages now even though this book talks about landscapes. It's not just a rural landscape. You can use the techniques that are talked about here. Get us explain here you can use those techniques to apply to other landscapes like urban scenes cityscapes or even urban structures. Because many of these tips they are the techniques you really can use them for other subjects. So, they are quite used with that sense. I really love some of these examples. Because they are all from the urban sketches group. They work pencil sketching drawing.

animals drawing easy

Easy drawing of animals

So, there are lots of wonderful examples a lot of tips and a lot of insight. So, this is landscapes let's take a look at animals. If you want to draw animals if you love drawing animals you want to learn more about. How we can sketch them quickly or how other artists approach sketching animals. This can be a good resource a good guide for you. You can see that the structure is the same for every two pages. We have techniques the tips on one side and the illustrator examples. On the other side this book also has 128 pages. The book also talks about a structure of animals. So, you can use that information to make your drawings better.
easy drawing animals

Drawing animals step by step

It covers a lot of different types of animals like cats, dogs, horse, cattle, how to draw their skin. The texture how to draw fur, how to draw unique animals, how to capture, then how to capture them. When they are moving how to capture their muscles, how to capture their personality or draw Birds shadows. There are a lot of tips and a lot of beautiful examples and right at the back. We have a quick list sort of a checklist of tips for different types of animals. Like how to draw the hooves, the muzzle nose, the paws about their proportion. We have this in the landscape book as well. I think I did not show you that so we have this as well some of the key elements and points to additional points to take note of the last thing.

Drawing animals in pencil

I want to mention is there are two publishers for these books one is such press the ADA is Firefly books. Its depending on where you are one version will be easier to find compared to the other. There will be some price differences as well the books. I have here they are published by such press and I bought them on Book Depository. The price is actually significantly cheaper compared to Firefly books edition.

Source: Cool drawing idea

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